New Look. New Name. Same Dedication

For the last few years, Reed Carter has stood for three basic principles: exceptional legal representation of our clients; 2) dedication to our clients needs inside and outside the courtroom; and 3) a personalized approach to litigation, no matter the issue or size of the case. These principles have guided us every day, through every challenge, and has allowed us to bring exceptional results for our clients.
This year has brought big changes. My partner, Chris Carter, has begun a new chapter in his legal career and has departed Reed Carter. I am very excited for my friend's new endeavor and look forward to seeing his continued successes.
A new lawyer, Marlon Carbajal has joined us. The addition of this talented lawyer has heightened our commitment to these three principles.
Last, but not least, with these changes comes a new chapter in my legal career as well. Beginning on August 1st our firm name will change to Adam B. Reed & Associates. Check out or follow @adamreedlawyers.
I appreciate the opportunity to serve our current and new clients as Adam B Reed & Associates.